Commission sheet
Pick a type!
If you're a subscriber to my patreon or fanbox, you will get a great discount and guaranteed to get a piece by me!
Both type A & B will be done in size A5(2039x2894px, 350 dpi)
Type C will be in (2100x1250px, 350dpi)
All of them above can be made into print or sticker. Which will be available in April.

haven't subscribe yet?

You will get...
- NSFW content
- Monthly comic
- Great discount for mutiple SA comme Sassy products
- Guaranteed commission
contact me through...
1.If you were a subscriber
Dm me on patreon or fanbox

2.If you weren't a subscriber
Dm me on twitter or instagram
3.Email me
My email address:
With subject: Type A/B/C commission
Please be polite while you ask. Make sure to give me as much as detail you can(characteristic/outfit/pose/scenario).
If it's an OC, must contain art reference instead of text describtions. Also with detailed idea for the drawing.

All payment through PayPal.
Once I recieve the payment, I will send you a rough sketch first and you got one chance to fix it. After that, it will be $50 if you want to change/fix anythig once it's done.
Once recieve the art piece, you can use it as your icon/wallpaper/banner/repost. But DO NOT use it for business.
Please email/dm me if you're looking for a business commission.